Companies unsustainably rely on specific ecosystem services … at the expense of biodiversity and humanity... time to change the rules of the game.
All businesses directly or indirectly depend on specific ecosystem services to produce goods and supply services. This is often done at the expense of non-useful species and diverse ecosystems. It’s time for better corporate biodiversity impact measurement, accounting, disclosure! It’s time for ecological restoration and rewilding!
Biological Diversity Protocol, Natural Capital Protocol, ALIGN, CircHive
Biodiversity footprinting, biodiversity accounting, ecosystem services accounting and valuation, sustainability reporting / disclosure
Applied research
Adapting double-entry bookkeeping to natural capital stocks, building integrated accounting systems

The Align project ‘Aligning Accounting Approaches for Nature’ will assist the European Commission’s efforts to support businesses, financial institutions and other stakeholders in developing standardized natural capital accounting practices by establishing a standardized approach to biodiversity measurement and valuation. View project

Biological Diversity Protocol
The Biological Diversity Protocol (BD Protocol) is an output of the Biodiversity Disclosure Project (BDP), a project started in early 2018, managed by the National Biodiversity and Business Network (NBBN) of South Africa and hosted by the Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT). Through close collaboration with a wide range of stakeholders, the BD Protocol has been developed to provide […]

CircHive is a five-year, €11.5 million project with 15 research and 10 case-study partners. The project will develop rigorous and standardised methods for combining two approaches to valuing nature: biodiversity footprinting and natural capital accounting. These two approaches are being used by an increasing number of organisations to understand and value the nature that underpins […]

Natural Capital Protocol
The Natural Capital Protocol is a decision-making framework that enables organisations to identify, measure and value their direct and indirect impacts and dependencies on natural capital. View project
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