Sibanye-Stillwater undertook an initial biodiversity footprint assessment aligned with the Biological Diversity Protocol (BD Protocol)1 in 2021. This assessment focused on the direct biodiversity impacts of Sibanye-Stillwater’s direct operations. The aim was to complete a desktop assessment with the existing information, including identifying the gaps that need to be addressed going forward. Committed to a process of continual improvement and annual updates, until post mine closure or until a mine has been sold, Sibanye-Stillwater undertook an annual revision of its biodiversity footprint in 2022. This report compiles the periodic changes to Sibanye-Stillwater’s biodiversity footprint: • Identifying any changes in the state of ecosystem assets, both in terms of extent and condition / integrity, which occurred in 2022, • Recording the associated biodiversity gains and losses against the 2021 baseline assessment, • Updating the Biodiversity Footprints (Total, Negative and Positive) of the Sibanye-Stillwater group, organising data per operation as well as per ecosystem asset category, • Providing guidance on improvements going forward.